Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani
It seems the end of the story
From Top to Bottom the veil of Portion was torn
In a place as unassuming as the UPPER ROOM
A new era was born
Timidity gave way to boldness
And they spoke as gods amongst men.
Speaking in tongues of men and angels
They declared the mandate of heaven.
God in man to dwell
Amidst the Chaos, Struggle and Pain
His Presence lie reassuringly within
Paralcletosi He stands Firmly
Beside us
Revealing the Son
Glorifying the Father
Even as He guides gently into maturity
Bringing everything Obedience to Christ
Permit me to introduce you to the Person
The Holy Spirit
He is the third person of the Trinity
He is to the Church as Jesus is to sinners
Grace: Fellowship and communion
With Him unveils the manifold Grace
To be Found in the Father
Through Jesus the Son
Are you in a dilemma and in need of counsel?
Like John do you have desire to come up hither
Does your heart cry
“That I may know Him, and the Power of His
Then the Holy Spirit should be on your dial.
By: Osazuwa Isoken Joy
+ 2348106366387
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